PC&R Workshops

If you need some help getting started in the fields of embedded controller programming, robotics, electronics, and/or design, the Physical Computing & Robotics Educator Workshops are a wonderful and fun place to start!

EduCon 2020: January 25, 2020 @ The Science Leadership Academy, Philadelphia

Here are the PowerPoint and robot code files used during our talk at the EduCon 2020 Designing the Future Workshop, which took place on January 25, 2020 at the Science Leadership Academy in Philly.

General Files from the EduCon Conversation

  1. EduCon 2020 PowerPoint Presentation
  2. sensor comparison.xlsx

Code Files from the EduCon Conversation

If you do not have the Arduino IDE installed, you can read the following code files with any text editor.

  1. EduCon_Code_TEMPLATE.ino – The Blank Code Template that Guests manipulated. (Scroll down to see the behind-the-scenes code.)
  2. EduCon_Code_KEY.ino – The code file with the “answers”. (Scroll down to see the behind-the-scenes code.)
  3. SensorSandBox.ino – The code that displayed all the sensor data to the Serial Monitor, Serial Plotter, and LCD Screen.
  4. Robot_Test.ino – Code that we used to test that each robot was working properly before the conference.

ADVIS Technology/Innovation Retreat: February 11, 2019 @ Archmere Academy

Here is my PowerPoint file used at the ADVIS Technology/Innovation Retreat, which took place on February 11, 2019 at Archmere Academy: { PCRduino ADVIS Presentation 2-11-19.pptx }

PC&R Educators Workshop: May 4-5, 2018 @ George School

Here are the files for the PC&R Educators Workshop, which took place on May 4-5, 2018 at George School:

General Files

  1. GS Robotics Educator Workshop PowerPoint
  2. sensor comparison.xlsx

Tutorial #1: Hello

  1. printProduct
  2. calcProduct
  3. ifValue

Tutorial #2: I/O

  1. LEDModule.ino module
  2. sensorModule.ino module
  3. SonicRangerModule.ino module
  4. sensorBigDemo.ino sketch

Tutorial #3: Motors

  1. servoMotionModule.ino module

3D Printer Files

  1. sketchup-stl-2.1.4.rbz
  2. GS Prusa config bundle 10pc.ini

Misc Modules

  1. SKIF.ino module
  2. Music Audio Transducer Finkel 2016.ino module
  3. musicNotes.ino module
  4. toneModule_MaiaFinkel.ino module